Actively Unwoke
The Inner Circle: Documenting the Socialist Dystopia with Karlyn Borysenko
Ep 15: Individualism Is Dead (How To Speak Socialist Cross Post)

Ep 15: Individualism Is Dead (How To Speak Socialist Cross Post)

A premium podcast for paid supporters with a free preview.

This is a cross-post to the Inner Circle podcast to introduce current supporters to this new project. Not all episodes of this podcast will be cross-posted, but some will be.

I’ve been working on this one on and off for several weeks. I like it, but I would love your feedback on it so I can make additional improvements.

Today, we’re going to discuss how t…

This post is for paid subscribers

Actively Unwoke
The Inner Circle: Documenting the Socialist Dystopia with Karlyn Borysenko
A premium podcast for original content about documenting the socialist utopia on Each podcast will include a free preview and a premium version with additional information and commentary.