EXCLUSIVE: "Autistics are inherently queer, biologically" according to California Community College LGBTQ+ Summit
See inside the California Community Colleges' taxpayer-funded LGBTQ+ Summit on Queer Liberation.
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"Autistics are inherently queer, biologically."
Meet Lisa Macafee.
Lisa (they/she) is an autistic, non-binary, autigender, semisexual with two autistic queer children that is clinical psychology student studying autism and gender at California Southern University.
Last week, Lisa presented a talk called Queering The Spectrum at the LGBTQ+ Summit, hosted by the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges on the taxpayer's dime and beamed into every community college in the state.
In that presentation, she said the following:
“Autistics are inherently queer biologically, and that’s just the biology of us”
She then made the argument for a gender based on autism called autigender, before admitting that most autistic kids are not trans and just “feel weird.”