The talking points you need to get your friends and family to look at public schools differently.
The public schools are prisons, and they are robbing your kids of their humanity.
This is a premium article to give you talking points to use when you are discussing the problem with the public schools. Free subscribers will receive a preview and can decide if they want to upgrade to access the full content.
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I made this image tonight for Unwoke Art….and I couldn’t stop staring at it because it read truth.
Look at those kids. They’re dead inside.
This is what public school is like.
It’s the closest thing to being in prison that most of us will ever experience.
We’ve known this for a long time. 16 years ago a TED Talk from Sir Ken Robinson called “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” went viral. I strongly recommend spending the 20 minutes to watch it:
And since then, things have only gotten worse.
The public schools are robbing your children of humanity.
You are fooling yourself if you think that school choice will fix this problem. We need a drastic overhaul in how we approach education.
And in order to do that, we need to be able to explain to people why the public schools are like prisons.
People like you need to be able to explain - in plain English - to your friends and family what is wrong with the schools. They’ve changed drastically since most adults were in them. They need to understand the new normal.
We need to teach them what we know.
In this article, I will give you talking points.
I’ll give you a list of reasons why the public schools are like prisons that you can use to teach your friends and family to allow them to see the schools differently.
I’ll show you the latest test scores that prove that a public education is failing your kids.
I promise you, it’s worse than you think.
Become a premium subscriber to continue below the paywall or support my work in other ways to get access to the rest of this content. Premium subscribers to Locals and Patreon can find the rest of the content in this article mirrored on those platforms. The article continues below for premium users.