This article is a part of the Woke 101 series, which will get you up to speed on the basics they don't teach you when you become a soldier in the culture war.
Understanding Allies and Enemies in the Fight Against the Far Left
In the battle against the far left, knowing your enemies—and your allies—is non-negotiable. This is especially true when it comes to cultural issues. Even if you don't agree with someone’s life choices or views, we need every ally we can get.
The trans community—those who want to transition from male to female or female to male and live a normal life outside the chaos of political activism—can be a powerful ally against queer ideology. They are uniquely positioned to stand up and call out the madness.
The Difference Between Queer and Trans
Queer and trans are not the same thing. Yet, all too often, they’re thrown into the same pot. Not long ago, some argued that the LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual) needed to split from the T (trans), believing that leftist lunacy had infected the community.
But that missed the mark entirely. The real issue isn’t about separating the T from the LGB—it’s about severing the Q from LGBT.
LGBT are identities.
Q is an ideology.
This article is cross-posted from my companion site, THE RED MENACE COLLECTIVE, where I’m sharing drafts of my upcoming book in real-time—giving you a sneak peek before it’s published.
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