Shocking. Disguisting.. Demented. Mentally ill. Sad.

Thank you for bringing it to everyone attention.

Will keep close eye on curriculum in NZ

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Karlyn, your updates almost seem like a parody account - how in the name of all that is holy can a school be permitted to do this? How can a parent allow it? Not "allowed" to attend my ass, I can promise you I would be there with bells on.

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Isn't a pure democracy where majority wins and the minority doesn't have a voice? The US is a democratic REPUBLIC and a republic protects individualistic rights via a constitution. Getting rid of capitalism doesn't preserve individualistic rights. Why would they want a minority to get stomped on. That's what would happen -_- These people are just brainwashed! PROTECT CAPITALISM!

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No one is here to save the kids in this district. The best people have fled. There are still good people here, but they're afraid to speak up. Think this doesn't matter for you because it's crazy town? The problem is that this is spreading like a virus and having a generation of indoctrinated woke youth affects us all.

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