Woke is just repackaged Maoism.

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No, it's not. This is a conservative talking point, not reality. Most people on the left explicitly denounce Mao. I have them on video doing it.

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It's an attempt to socialize the individual soul, it's ethics, its personality, and (in the new formulation) the body itself. Mao made a similar choice because he saw Khrushchev denouncing Stalin (which didn't make old Khrushchev a non-commie) and he was concerned it was because the Russians had not been properly socialized culturally and all the way to the person/individual. So he focuses on education, the cultural revolution, eliminating alternative meaning systems ("canceling"), crushing your internal enemies, etc. The amazing scholar Frank Dikkoter talks in detail about this transition for Mao.

Just because they denounce Mao doesn't mean its a denouncement of communism or even a denouncement of his philosophical emphasis on proper socialization. "Woke" is exactly a plea to implement proper socialization, to "raise the consciousness" of the people to fully understand their oppression, i.e. to "wake up." Protestant evangelicals denounce each other all the time over small points of silliness but remain conservative evangelicals.

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No. I don't know who you've been listening to, but this is not correct and it explicitly contradicted based on the evidence.

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There were also Catholics on the baking, marxist and commie side...and Nazi side

There were Lutherans on all sides as well...

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