In short, if only they had power over the resources others created, they could divide it all up evenly and it would be Soooo fair, because they see inequalities in the world and that MUST BE all because of capitalism. So they seize everything, gulug dissenters, the wealth evaporates and we have klobbers and moldy potatos. Instead of the banality of evil with these two, we have the banality of communism.

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of course they lie, claiming that they have no intention of ‘seizing’ anything. LIE. according to their convo w/ Karlyn, they would A-OK w/ New Hampshire having their own revolution, seceding from the collective/the new union, & living their lives as they see fit. ALL. SOCIALISTS. LIE.

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some things that I took away from your conversation with these two comrades:

• they seemed either unaware or unwilling to admit the Queer Marxist influence & power within their movement. the abolition of the family was denied by them.

• their solutions to capitalism did not sound grounded in reality, with nebulous, utopian ideals trumping any concrete evidence that they can effectively replace capitalism (& our current government) with a collective democracy. on the contrary, the ‘decision of the people’ doesn’t seem to be very different from the idea of the republic, minus the federal branch.

• they did not clearly answer questions re: owning a house/additional houses or a business, defaulting to the idea that all is owned by banks & corporations.

• I am still confused by the seeming factions within the Communist movement, particularly with Queer Marxists being a clear threat, based on our weekly streams: they control our nation via our foundational institutions. and t began the stream by clarifying that they are NOT the RCP. what exactly does this mean? is it a rebranding? have they all merged collectively?

• I still have questions re: their ability to either collaborate with or defeat the WEF. many of their goals are the same, but the WEF appears to wield more global power with world leaders & corporations (when they all meet in Davos), and they are more technologically advanced. the WEF vs. the RCA (& other intl chapters) would be a terrifying merger, but it also seems like an impossibility based on the power struggle between the two entities.

I have other thoughts that arose while streaming live, but it was 6-7am here in Asia, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. KARLYN, BRAVA. WELL DONE. I am flabbergasted by the vitriolic responses you elicit from other influencers and their followings, as you continue to present the underlying goals of the revolution with receipts, live/spy streams, & physical infiltrations. keep up the good work, because you’ll always have my support. I love your boldness, your brashness, & your beautiful way of owning BOTH SIDES (by merely showing the evidence).

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I feel so bad.. this was something (I knew) and was not there to help you.. I WAS SLEEPING sorry :( but you guys could have CHat Gpt it so not all my fault ..

Chat GPT quote :


what paragraph and page in the The Communist Manifesto he talks about Abolishing the family?


In "The Communist Manifesto," the section discussing the abolition of the family is in Chapter 2, titled "Proletarians and Communists." Specifically, the paragraph you're referring to is:

"Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.

On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.

The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital." (Page 22 in the Penguin edition)

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Thanks for the reminder that communism = sociopath.

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Fantastic interview, Karlyn!

Maybe I'm wrong, but I personally feel like these guys have about 5 years before they're co-opted by the Queer Marxists.

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