Homeschooling is looking more and more appealing by the day

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The nazis also taught bad curriculums behind the backs of parents. But they’ll just say “but I’m doing it cause it’s good according to me.”

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Here in California our school boards are pretty ineffective in terms of forcing policy changes. However, it seems that a school board would be a good platform to introduce transparency, initiatives, such as parents or community members being allowed to just sit in and observe classroom instruction. All the way up to cameras in classrooms :-). would that be worth pursuing?

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Id rather you be annoyed with me for telling you something you already know, than to have you get in trouble. So here's something you probably already know: FL is a "two party consent" state which means you must secure consent before recording conversations

IDK how that applies to zoom calls, or if it does. But if you do some of your work in FL and it involves recording people, please check with a legal advisor first.

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....this was recorded in Chicago.

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