Please, how do I find Jake? (He lead a few moments of connection and being an a show was recently on. Others lead similar and call it meditation. This was next level! Do it. You’ll love it! By the by, I didn’t know each segment was information / records! I just thought they were beautiful to look at!

He is needed to break down a video which went viral and landed the artist on Caravan to Midnight and then break down Act II which took its toll on the artist. And his input would be vital for the soon to be released Act III. Jake, if you see this, Karlyn has my number, CALL! (The others are real and they are screwing him - big time! I’m doing what I can from the opposite Coast and I thank you for your guided restoration and connection, brief though it was. That journey had me like Shitfuqfire, Boy! Good stuff!) CALL!!

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You can find him on Twitter at @americashaman and https://www.forbiddentruthacademy.com/

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