Jul 6, 2023Liked by Karlyn Borysenko

Thanks, Karlyn, for all you do to bring this info to our attention. I share regularly with my friends and family. I don’t know of any other person who digs as deep as you!

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i predicted this . The tentacles of this ideology knows no bounds and will leave NO stone unturned. My optimistic side says it's all just a fashionable trend with zero sustainability, no?

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I only caught the tail end of that steam so thanks for the recap. Wow new level of .. how to even describe it anymore ... crazy, delusional, absurdity ... geez. But them going after religion doesn’t surprise me. Makes sense they would go there too.

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Thank you for all your hard work and information on this and other important topics You are very important and have helped me very much with my nephews. I ordered your book as I will be leaving the country for awhile. I need a good read. Thanks again Karlyn

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This is all part of the Left's movement to completely overthrow Western culture and American culture in particular, including capitalism, the nuclear family, and personal liberty. The Left has always been much smarter than the Right in their attacks. While the Right invariably focuses on symptoms of the Left's humanistic agenda (abortion, gay rights, euthanasia, etc.), the Left aims at our foundations like Christianity and the Bible. And currently, they are winning.

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I'd simply call this self-worship at others' expense.

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Thank you for breaking this down in a clearer manner. I did watch the stream, but it was too confusing to follow completely. I don’t know what I think about queer theology specifically. It sounds like the other socialism streams I’ve watched. I do believe, however, that this can definitely spread among audiences who are confused by the language. Sometimes people accept things they don’t quite understand for fear of appearing ignorant. I think that’s one of the reasons why the woke left changes definitions of words so frequently. It’s an effective way to control people’s minds and eventually control their actions without the people realizing it.

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I understand it now, but how can we break this down so it does not take 5 months of hard studies to get this concept?

my thoughts about this newfound concept of "Queer Theology" that stems from "Queer Theory " coming out of "Queer Marxism" leading us down the road to "Brave New World" has taken me a while to understand.

Now I can hear someone speak and know where their thoughts come from and know what they are about to say.

I understand now that they are using mind-control Techniques I have seen them many times.

so maybe we should talk about that to help combat this invasion of our consciousness.

I am not very smart, It takes all my mental capacity to keep up with you guys so I may be a good guinea pig to test on lol

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