Senator Bradley,

Teaching racism to children is the worst form of child abuse. Therefore, you promote child abuse.

Gutting your bill of the amendments for political gain is vile.

So I guess you are PRO

1. Power is truth (might is right) - no objectivity - therefore you support a Narcissistic Logical Fallacy

2. Moral relativity - therefore, you underscore identity politics

3. A perpetual zero sum power struggle (ie winners and losers) - thus you promote social constructionalism

4. Racial realism - therefore, you support re-writng the Civil Rights Act

5. Intersectional hierarchy of oppressions - thus you spread hate

The psychology of CRT is grievance and pessimism. It is the opposite of thriving.

By the way, clearly you are an ignorant man because there has been no legitimate research for CRT teaching. You had a chance to do the right thing for America’s children. Instead, you took the Manichean route. That, Senator, is not what the framers of the Constitution ever envisioned.

Maybe one day you will realize that what we need is a leader. A leader, not a politician, who promotes TRUTH. BEAUTY, LIBERTY, and MERIT.

Tori Eversmann

A Very Concerned Citizen

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Dear Chris, John, Jeb,

In all my years as a Republican Party member I have watched as the party capitulated over and over to the Democratic Party to our own detriment. Seeing you support removing from the recent legislation, the completely valid attempts by our fellow party members to fight back against the Marxian offshoot of Critical Theory, has me deeply concerned.

The United States was formed as the epitome of Enlightenment values, among these are the fundamental principles of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and individualism. To secure these values we use the tools of rational thought and logic. One important key to our success was the use of the tools it provided such as the scientific method, reliance on empirical data, and a deep respect for personal ownership. These values and tools were a fundamental necessity to our expanding Civil Liberties, as are the common stories and literature that bound us together as a common nation in unity, regardless of our previous national origin, the color of our skin, or our differing religions.

Critical Race Theory on the other hand, does not bind us together as a nation or promote unity. It is an attack vector for a deviant Postmodernist philosophy upon which there are no common values, there are only oppressors and the oppressed. One of the consequences of this is how the theory manifests itself in practice. Students are labeled as oppressors based on the color of their skin and taught to become activists to fight against "whiteness". What exactly is whiteness? I think the White Culture chart from the NMAAHC speaks volumes about what the Critical Theorists consider whiteness.

So my question to you is: Are you going to support a Republican Party based on the foundational principles of the United States, or are you going to allow for subversive, and blatantly discriminatory lessons to be taught in your schools?


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Done. Karly, you must primary Sununu. You have the name and the people. Go for it!

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Not going to happen. The entire GOP machine is supporting him.

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Sorry, on a related subject - would you invite Andrew Gutmann (aka Brearly Dad) on your podcast/youtube? He is a fighter, and he is creating a movement http://speakupforeducation.org/

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I hear you, but it might be a start. Do people in NH follow Dan Shultz plan of taking over the GOP from the grassroots level, by becoming Precinct Committee Members? It's not easy, and not fast, but it's a start: https://www.precinctstrategy.com/

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