Important to think on and refine , for sure. Thanks Karlyn.

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Ps. HonestDog 🤠

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WE MUST REMEMBER these definitions:

I have them on posted-note next to my PC .

I have little notes on my refrigerator.

I have notes I put in my phone and tablet to pull up there too.

I made some cards to put in my back pack, to give to people (if) I need them on the Metro .

As an x LDS member fast give away cards with info was the go to thing. We used them on the fly.

I do believe in Fate,

I know I am here to do what I can.

The Universe dropped a dam Communist Manifesto with fucking high lights and notes in it.

IN ENGLSIH in a French speaking country!

What else will the Universe drop on me next?

A dam hammer and sickle? With a red hat?

Do Or Do Not There Is No Try! "Yoda"

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I LOVE this article. and I’m not scrolling down (even though I’ve been watching Karlyn’s socialism content since about Nov/Dec 2022) until I have the time to sit down and define these four words. a great exercise from Professor Karlyn/Dr. Borysenko/Leader of the The Cult of Karmrades. 😉

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Sorry Karlyn, :( takes me longer to think what you are asking.

now I see.. what takes me 4 days later sigh slapping my hand on my head!

so, I have Written this down, post it on my pc, but I need to be able to "SAY IT" also,

not just copy paste it.

Woke: "Authoritarian"

Critical Race Theory: " This ideology, originating in academia, asserts that racism pervades every aspect of society, assuming its existence within every individual, institution, and interaction. Critical theorists, in this framework, aim to examine how racism manifests rather than questioning its presence, because racism is always assumed."

Cancel culture: "Mobbing and bullying are used to control individuals who express unpopular views or actions. The aim is to silence and discredit the person being targeted for cancellation. "

Socialism: "A cult that seeks to fundamentally destabilize our entire way of life that will only lead to suffering, starving and death."

Maybe, I am the guinea pig to test this stuff on lol

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All those words have one synonym: Leftism.

Define 'leftism' and you define them all. And the definition of 'leftism' is: Some people always wanting to use more government to control other people.

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No, that's not correct.

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Woke. The understanding that a person KNOWs the problems that certain groups have and the very fact that the person KNOWs is the ONLY solution that person needs.

CRT - the belief in and portrayal of historical injustices done to african-american and "marginalized" people, it’s the criticism of the system that hold them down. A very myopic view of one cause for all issues specifically that systemic racism is the only cause for black peoples issues.

Cancel culture, the active deplatforming (read, death, censorship, doxxing) of a person based on the fact that they disagree with you

Socialism - the distribution of wealth of an individual to the pockets of the group’s representatives by the means of the state

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Way to go, Karlyn. Dr. Jordan Peterson had brilliant definitions to this post as well. You’re in good company.

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I’m going to try to memorize these definitions!

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