I'm anti-anti white. I think.

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BRAVO! Excellent investigation and reporting.

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JEEZ! I do not remember the last time I’ve taken in so much information that was truly new to me, in one sitting. There quite a few phrases here I've never seen that are made of two common innocuous terms like "anti" and "white" or "anti" and "whiteism". Seeing those tells me I'm in fairly dangerous territory. I'll bet ppl slap those together and assume they know what they mean. No amount of etymological investigation will tell you what these words mean. It's odd how much I get the sense of it being a trap that has been set. MEANING comes from the INTENTION of the SPEAKER who created it. So, ya gotta see how he uses it to know.

I began researching CRT, again, in 2018 but doubled-down when I learned that the circus was coming to town thru email notices of an impending ‘professional development’ program called, “EQUITY INSTITUTE 2021” which added in a big, fun colorful font, “…using post-Marxist principles!”

I discovered not long ago, that CRT employs sophisticated language deception strategies. Some of these are based on expectations created by experiencing norms in language repeatedly. High expectation not rooted in truth makes deception very easy.

Also, knowing the fundamental principles of truth that exist in language is another one. They never change the definition of a word but they will alter other elements that affect the nature of the term. It is like the titanic disaster; if the sub was made of titanium, it would have been fine. But, since it was made of fiberglass, it was still fine in virtually every situation. As soon as it was to encounter very specific circumstances, it would immediately fail, as a matter of physics..

(Forgive me if this seems lacking in mechanistic continuity. This is an abridged version of this concept. Also, it is from a discipline and sources that are extremely obscure...not esoteric, just unpopular, but it is where CRT gets it from.)

Similarly, regarding Inclusion, while under normal circumstances, a person, acting as an INDIVIDUAL, can get rid of any racism they have. But, if Inclusion changes the FORM of acceptance from INDIVIDUAL to COLLECTIVE, ppl can’t do anything to affect their racism in that mode.

Racism exists in the mind of an individual. 1,000 racists mean 1,000 individual racists minds.

There is no such thing as COLLECTIVE racism.

“Inclusion” generally means, “ALL are welcome!” So, CRT kept the REFERENTS the same to keep the definition the same, but changed the SENSE of the REFERENTS from “ALL” to “ALL but only in terms of your collective ethnicity.” So, “Lisa Rodriguez” would not be included, but “a Mexican female with three children” who happens to be named Lisa Rodriguez, would be. This changes Lisa from an INDIVIDUAL to part of a COLLECTIVE.

What is the effect?

The very short answer is, regardless of how you define racism, a character flaw, false conclusion, a fear, a belief instilled by an angry grandfather, it ends up in the same category; as a mental trait predicated of the mind of a live human…who happens to be a bit racist. [The physical nature and nature of the existence of racism as "ontologically parasitic", should be explained here. ] Also, it is a negation and refers only to the lack of existence of what is opposite of it as most negative human traits do. For example, the trait of ‘impatience’ is actually the lack of the existence of calmness, “meanness” is the lack of the existence of respect, compassion, and so on.

My point is, racism is a character flaw like any other. To negate it, we cultivate its substantive opposite; filling the HOLE that is RACISM with [INSERT PERTINENT VIRTUES, HERE.]

Any INDIVIDUAL can do this. But it can’t be done when a person is acting in the mode of a COLLECTIVE.

The ppl willing to covertly change language from the inside for malevolent purposes, and that there is a thing called a 'trained Marxist,' I'm not at all afraid, mentally or physically of ppl like that but i do NOT understand how they exist. They seem worse that a really bad serial killer and are potentially far more dangerous. How do they not slip into depression or psychotic confusion ... what has to happen to make them say, "Ya know, today was a nice day!" What do you get a guy like that for his birthday, a dead puppy?

Maybe there is a less than immoral version of language manipulation... instead of white supremacy, something like HONKY HUMILITY...

Anyway, AMAZING SITE! I've been on this site ALL DAY! I

m going to master all the terms on this site. BUt, first I need a break. I'm going to try to get my daughter to call my wife a "honky."


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What did we expect to happen?

I am Puerto Rican and live in a diverse area in NYC. My community is a mix of races and social classes. Our children grew up together and are "color blind".

They are horrified at the blatant discrimination against white people in NYC and fear that this is just another divisive tactic by those in power to keep the masses deeply divided to gain power and trap us into servitude.

These kids have been awake for a long time because of the stories shared by their peers whose parents migrated from all over the globe.

They value the journey of the individual, and the ability to rise in the face of adversity because that is the American spirit.

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I am so happy to support your outstanding work! Great article, well reasoned and supported with sources. Thank you Karlyn and and Kieran.

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Thank you for this article. I had no idea this was going on. I'm not in any Anti-CRT groups but I do see people using the term "anti-white" in response to CRT in other forums. I will be on the lookout.

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It sure sounds like you're hoping the alligator* will eat you last.

Niemoeller had something to say about that.

*(in this case, the radical Marist CRT Left)

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I’m thinking of 1 word:

2 syllables

4 letters

🤯 Thanx for the heads up Karlyn!

Just WOW.

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