May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by Karlyn Borysenko

You could not have timed this more perfectly. I am writing a book chapter about the harm of DEI and I need tis information! I have been to too many teacher conventions (I have PhD in Teaching and Learning) and I stopped going when every keynote and every session focused on social justice, all white people are evil, and "diversity"--which isn't diversity at all. I need it so much that I subscribed--even though I'm supposed to be saving. It's worth it.

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Just wanted to post a win 🏆 for my immediate family based on information you share that I have been sharing with them. My sister has 5 kids ages 22 to 10. She has pulled them from public altogether and is employing the older siblings and herself to teach the 4 school aged. My brother and his school teacher wife have moved to a private Christian school, where she is now employed (with a paycut, but doesn't mind) and my niece and nephew are no longer a part of the public system. Now, to work on my husband's side. Thank you for your time.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Karlyn Borysenko

This is my first substack subscription. Thank you Karlyn for your work.. Can you gift someone a subscription to this substack?

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When the POTUS is endorsing child sex changes, this is what we get! When will the madness end...when Americans say NO MORE! Treat the mental illness as mental illness and do more to create Mental Health services that are available to everyone. Good teachers and administrators are desperately needed to work with both parents and their children!

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I would not approve.

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