Thank you for this very important post Karlyn!

Here's my little contribution to try and avoid a drag-Floyd event - this interview of a very intelligent, well-spoken, liberal mother of a REAL trans-sexual. I think Penny Adrian nails this issue better than anyone I've heard... https://lisaselindavis.substack.com/p/this-ideology-is-hurting-my-trans#details

Very Best wishes

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Thank you Bob! And I know I owe you an email!

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I've been following James and he really clarifies what's actually happening. Between him and you, my eyes have been opened. I too am concerned there will be a tumultuous summer..but hope clearer heads prevail.

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Yes I’m worried the left are pushing for the right to do something stupid and someone might just do it. I hope I’m wrong. The left has too much power on this issue.

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Thank you for this article Karlyn. I have been feeling more and more uncomfortable with the takes from both sides of the aisle on this issue. Almost as if there is an attempt to drag me into a hardcore extreme position. My response has been to tune out both sides for my health. Now thanks to you and James I see my instincts were correct. I will re-read your article so I am sure I understand it so I can share your and James' ideas when this issue comes up in conversation. Again thank you very much.

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time to stop being a pussy and take a stand.

Do you believe that men can trans-mogrify into women and that all of society must be legally coerced to believe it? Do you believe that very young children - ie Jazz Jennings - can be "born in the wrong sexed body" and must be faciltated access to hormones and surgery to better mimic the opposite sex, due to that improving their mental health and long term life prospects?

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Thank you for confirming that you believe violence against trans people is justified. You have just proven my point.

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exactly what "violence" have I endorsed? Are you so vapid as to claim that my saying with words that human beings cannot change sex is "actual violence"?

As an Australian woman I attended 2 #StandingForWomen rallies in Australia last month which were hosted by British womens rights activist Kellie-jay Keen. Keen held 7 rallies in Australia where the Police had to separate us from baying mobs of trans activists yelling that we were Nazis and to telling us to"fuck off", amongst numerous other slurs. Keen went on to New Zealand (pertinent to me as I'm a NZer by birth and dual nationality) where at her first public rally, in a park with approx 100 mostly middle aged women were assembled to give their testimony how the trans agenda is neagtively affecting womens rights, she and her supporters were mobbed by 2000 trans activists. Women were hit with objects, kicked, spat at and assaulted. A 70 year old woman was punched in the face twice and sustained a skull fracture. Keen cancelled her second rally and left the country.

And you have the temerity to tell me I'm violent? You desperately need a reality check.

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There is some sort of bizarre inversion of who constitutes a legitimate “martyr” going on in your world view. Apparently people with conservative views are not allowed to have them and the only issue to be freaking out about is if a person who thinks they have changed sex gets harmed or killed. This whole thing you wrote is to express your anxiety and alarm that somebody might criticise the Left for its endorsement of the inane and insane cult belief in Trans gender Ideology. While freaking out that a “trans” identifying person (nobody changed sex, claiming to have done so is a delusion) might be hurt or killed you completely ERASED THE FACT that several totally innocent people have been murdered by opposite sex impersonators.

You express no horror, no outrage and no compassion for the literal acts of murderous terrorism undertaken by tranvestites.

Your inability to conceive that people with Left leaning politics might actually believe some very damaging untrue propositions has corrupted your ability to see reality. That is what allegiance to Queer Theory does.

FYI, before anyone wants to sneer at me for being “Right”, “conservative” or “religious”…I am none of those things. I was a Buddhist 40 years ago, now an atheist, I had an abortion, never married until was 52 and was a single mother2x, worked as a prostitute for 6 years, voted Greens for 40 years, was in Extinction Rebellion…I was as left as left gets until I discovered Lefty politics believes anyone can claim to be a woman and it will be legally enforced we must believe.

What you have written is an ugly travesty.

For readers with critical thinking faculties, feminists and women with genuinely progressive politics I recommend the Substack of Kara Dansky, author of The Abolition of Sex: How the Transgender Agenda Harms Women and Girls


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Sweetheart, you subscribe to my work but you don't actually seem to read it. You are not a victim of the world. But thank you for confirming that you believe violence against trans people is justified. You are no different than the left.

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Ugh, reduced to passive aggressive sarcastic endearments? Belittling only to yourself, not me. Don't Wokies refer to that kind of stuff as a micro aggression?

Where did I say I was a victim? Far from it I am a woman who will keep on strongly dissenting and pushing back on the regression of womens rights.

I expect you will soon delete me as Woke libtards cannot bear to have the mirror held up to themselves. If you really understood what James Lindsay writes about you would be astonished to realise you are one of the post modernist marxist enthusiasts he warns are driving us over the precipice of basing our society in truth and reality.

Far from being "UnWoke" you occupy every unit of a condominium located in central Wokeville.

Still waiting for the clarification exactly how I have committed violence against trans people. The very same ppl and their allies who were screaming at me a few weeks ago and saying I had no right to express my opinion in a public place.

Exactly how have I harmed them?

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I truly do not know why you subscribed to me in the first place. I promise you that you do not belong here.

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Startling concept to consider - some people come for the debate, not to be passive consumers of agitprop.

Tell me about my violence?

Also this is what we chanted to the people who would have beat us up physically had they been allowed to get close enough

- no woman has a penis, no man has a vagina, non binary is a lie and transing children is child abuse.

As you are a supporter of all the above I contend that you are a woke libtard.

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I am not longer going to engage with you, you are acting unhinged. If you continue, I will block you and remove your ability to be disruptive. The only reason you have not been blocked yet is you are a paying subscriber. But if you continue, the $5/month will no longer be worth it.

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You accused me of doing violence to trans people. I thinks its perfectly reasonable to ask for a clarification of why you allege that. Especially in view that I the personal experience of having Mounted Police on horses holding back a mob of screaming trans rights activists from harming myself and other women. How am I being "disruptive" or "acting unhinged"?

Other than showing you up for having no rational explanations.

I am sure you will soon block me as its emnarassing the truth doesn't support your imaginary narrative. But I am glad to have put a brain worm in your head so that as this issue plays out in the next few years and your imaginary world is blown apart you will remember that if you had been brave enough to look into the abyss - the truth was there.

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