I hope you can get to the next conference they do. Just this negative exposure of them running and hiding is already good, but people need to see for themselves what's behind the mask of positivity and good intentions they put on.

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Why am I shown as an unpaid subscriber when I paid $50 on 2/13/2023?

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Anyone else old enough to remember when sex ed classes (in high school, no earlier) still required a parent signature for child participation

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Is the 1:14:41 long video of the Transgender Training video somewhere besides YouTube. Because on YouTube it's an ADP.....MK4V file which I can record, but I can't get that to play. That makes recording them useless. I wanted to record it so I could give a copy to each of my boys.

I am a subscriber, so I went to your site, but couldn't fine it in another video file format. Can you help me with that.

Also, I don't have any problem pronouncing or spelling your first name. But you last name, geez

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How did they catch you? You could start using a separate device to take a physical video of the screen. It won’t be quite as high quality of a recording but there’s no way they could detect that.

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