Aug 2, 2023Liked by Karlyn Borysenko

it's funny that conservatives keep saying the left is crazy (without realizing it's the alt left that is the problem) and yet keep engaging the crazies like the crazies are serious. there is a saying... don't argue with stupid ppl, cause those who are observing wont be able to tell which of you is stupid... the conservative right falls for it every time and digs the pit even deeper trying to get out.

something ppl can do instead of reacting, if one must engage, is it to treat it like a performance - the audience being the ppl witnessing the exchange. you can't change the mind of the crazies, but you can plant seeds of doubt in the audience that cause them to see the crazies as they are. don't argue with the crazies (that is the reaction they want); instead, give them what they don't expect... the crazies seem to like attention, so give it to them. Ask them about their plans and how they will implement them, listen and pose thoughtful questions that exposes them, then when your done, simply state you think their ideas aren't feasible with minimal details and leave it at that (ie don't hit them over the head with info to which they aren't likely to be receptive). Make them come to you for the reasons. Chances are the crazies wont, but the audience might. And if the person you conversed with hasn't gone too far down the road to crazy town, the thoughtful questions you asked might spark a dissonance that makes them think more (this is why you don't give them detailed reasons; since they aren't likely to come to you with questions, it means they have to reason it out for themselves.)

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Karlyn Borysenko

Thank you for this article. I've noticed this playing out too and wondered what (other than it looks like people acting like children) was the goal...now it makes sense. I appreciate your insights and will share them with friends and family.

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Your ability to boil things down to the bone and make things easy to understand and digest is why I started watching you once I attended your Socialist Saturday. It's not a shame to admit you've been misled and try to correct course, it's a shame when you refuse to. Thanks for helping me course correct, Fearless Leader.

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This is so 100% true. Each new wokeness is a red cape to a bull; they WANT us to charge it, so they can stab us in the back.

"Craft a vision, something you’re moving towards, so you don’t end up spending your life fighting against." Yes, we absolutely must do this. But the vision CANNOT be a plan for more government control. (And a plan for more government control is the only kind that the RINO Controlled Opposition would support.)

WHAT IS THAT VISION? We need it and we need it now.

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