This is how they create and use the reaction as well... they know how the right perceives things and what arguments they will make against them. They then choose things that achieve their goals but which the right will misconstrue... the left can then legitimately denounce the right's backlash to their actions and claim they are over reacting.

For the normie person watching it unfold, the right comes off like they didn't know what they are talking about, authoritarian, or like lunatics, while the left appears genuine and sincere. But using the right's reaction isn't just about making the right look bad, it's also about making the left appear like the good guy. In the case of drag queen story hour, the left can point the finger at the right and legit say they are the ones sexualizing the kids (cause they wouldn't accuse the left of that if the right wasn't predisposed to thinking that way) and at the same time say that they are just broadening a kids mind to expand their imagination (cause that is closer to what they are doing).

By doing that, the left makes their position appear 'normal' or favorable. The average person won't see that they too are being played and will just think the left is being cheeky but not duplicitous. Their thoughts and ideas will inch further and further leftward and they won't even notice.

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There is no sexualizing of kids on the right. There is nothing to accuse the right of except "prudery". You are over-intellectualizing things to the point of gibberish.

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How precisely does the right come off as you say? Do you have examples?

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I disagree that Drag is a gender-binary-smashing Trojan Horse. I agree that it is one of the ways its being weaponized/used. However, Drag comes from homosexual male disgust of women.

The opposite of attraction is not apathy, its disgust. Drag isn't simply imitation of the female and feminine. It's very specifically the mockery of women. Terms like "fish."

The guy in 2009 is using Drag as an intellectual experiment/example. It is not directly a literal 15-year-in-the-making indoctrination conspiracy to Butler.

It is about indoctrination into queer. Indoctrination into nothing is what it seems. I don't know if its a detailed or deliberate as you're saying.


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So what they are doing is far more insidious than what conservative influencers purport: they are planting seeds in the fertile minds of our children.

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I don't think the right sexualizes kids, but the left puts them in a gotcha position that to normies it would legit look that way. The right is right to be concerned about the drag queen story hour, but they were reactive to it instead of thoughtful and that is what the left banked on. The left doesn't randomly pick things, they are strategic and the right doesn't see it coming - which is why they lose... they would rather argue that they are right to react than to listen and see they are reacting to the wrong thing (ie making the wrong arguments). Drag queens reading isn't sexual in and of itself (and that is where it started) so normies just saw it as playing dress up. The right then claiming they are sexualizing kids comes off as disingenuous because drag performances are about performing 'gender', not explicitly about sex. The left then says 'see, they think it's about sex, but you know it's just dress up and encouraging kids to be imaginative...' Normies then think the left is being reasonable, only because they are comparing the left to the rights reaction... which the left wanted cause it hides the real purpose of what they are pushing. The left uses the rights reaction to push normies in their own direction. It's a bit like sheep hearding... the left is the shepherd, the normies are the sheep, and the right, unbeknownst to them, are the sheep dogs reacting to the shepherd.

If the right had been thoughtful instead of reacting immediately, they would have known the lefts goal wasn't sexualization, it was about sowing confusion in kids about what it meant to live out their gender and normalizing it. If the right had called them out on that and addressed the gender performance aspect (and maybe showing vids like this where the lefts says why they are doing it) it would have punted the reaction back to the left cause they couldn't deflect from that... kinda like a kid being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Normies would have turned their gaze back to the left, but instead they were distracted by the rights reaction.

If you can't understand this, then I can't help you.

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