I have younger staff at work calling themselves queer. University types. I have a lot of communicating to do.

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Best of luck in explaining this to them, sincerely. Will you please come back and report on how that went and what their take on it was???

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I guess I can try this "citizen journalism" a la undercover. Though it shouldn't be too bad. Just gotta wait for the right time to slip in the right words.

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If you went the O'keefe route, I would opt for a recording device, that didn't triangulate back to you...so one you were not wearing...maybe something on a desk window sill. It would be problematic - to ay the least - to have a woke mob coming after you (both professionally and physically) if you weren't prepared for it.

Best of luck.

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They aren't that woke. Our winters are too long for that.

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I don't envy your task! Yikes! The ones that come out of university are the worst to deal with. Good luck.

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I do have my gay card.

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Good work. Infuriatingly so. Who do these people think they are???

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I know that last part was Rhetorical Stephanie, but if I may share an opinion.

These people are the grand children of those first infiltrators and subversives, that came to America (in particular - but worked around the globe earnestly) and were later focused on by McCarthy - rightly so. Yes those were communists, but the Marxists share a symbiosis with them. They both are intent on toppling any system, that is not them or won't willingly become them.

This new generation, proves my long held - and ranted about - premise that we have yet to understand how our enemies fight...it's called playing the long game. Communists and Marxist do not plot, plan or fight in 2 and 4 year election cycles. They work in decades and centuries...slowly, methodically and quietly behind the flashy/distracting activism we are given to focus on.

These are the modern versions of the McCarthy era subversives. Their missions are the same and judging by their success - so is their resolve. The only difference is they no longer feel the need to move in the shadows. Their momentum and placement in seats of power, is now such, that they feel quite comfy in the light of open and exposed spaces.

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Yes it was rhetorical and you are 100% correct in your analysis. The US is in free fall because of its shortsightedness. And hubris. I just finished reading *The Daughters of Yalta* and was struck buy FDR’s ego allowing him to believe he could control Stalin. It’s a familiar tale that continues with both Trump and Biden thinking they can control Putin.

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After defeat Germany, MacArthur wanted to turn his army around and take down Stalin and the entirety of the Soviet Union. The president told him to back off. What a mistake. In October 1960, there was Nikita Khrushchev's memorable "Shoe Banging Incident" when he promised that the Soviets would " bury" the West. Was he wrong? Those who took it seriously were thinking in terms of kinetic warfare. What we did get were sleeper cells, etc.

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Yes, a reoccurring theme, for sure.

And now we have a proxy non-war war, that will cost us tremendously, in so many ways.

I wonder if this is how Romans felt as they watched the city burn..."Hey Flavius Maximus, cheer up, we are living in interesting times".

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Kyrie Eleison

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^^THIS ^^ re "McCarthy Era subversives" . Yes, yes, yes. I know a person who was a well known journalist and a acquaintance of Bill Clinton who was raised as in a Stalinist family. They were a cell. His rebellion against his parents was when he became a Trotskyist. This actually was a BFD for a family in a *Stalinist* cell back then. Later on in life he switched over to Neoconservatism, but lost his marbles when Trump got into office. His mental health took a nosedive and transitioned only a few years ago at decade in life when transitioning doesn't "take" very well. This is only one reason why they want the kids.

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That's an amazing connection, to have first person knowledge of and experience with. No surprise, but always interesting, when these stories surface.

Thanks for sharing that.

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You're welcome

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This ideology is truly pernicious and vampiric. Back in the 90s, when I was into this sort of thing, the end goal wasn't as clear; even back then much of what's happening today would have been perceived as 'too much' by us. But, possibly not by *all*.

Back then many of us were just the "useless eaters" and "useful idiots" for those way further up on the chain, as it were . On a much more personal note, when I was decades younger (!), I was gay, but eventually my preferences shifted, however, I was in denial and wouldn't allow myself to let go of that label _because my ego was thoroughly bound up by the ideology_.

Incidentally, I never used the word "queer" (or ought that be Queer, with a capital "Q"?). Were I to still identify as "gay" I would possibly align with the new LGB. My apologies for making this comment the size of the OED.

After having examined the "ladyboy" scene in Bangkok, those who have transitioned appear to be genuinely *happy,* sans the vitriol of Western anarcho-Marxism. The Thai transwomen understand that they are still biologically *men*. Their transition is often used for so-called sex work, and their money goes to support their often large families back in, say, Isan. These individuals are very much capitalists; very much indeed.

Karlyn, perhaps this would be an interesting juxtaposition for you to present sometime. We really ARE in beaucoup danger here in the West. After what you wrote, Doctor, Joe Biden's statement that "white supremacists" are the greatest domestic terrorist threats takes on a new, seriously _ creepy_ meaning that goes along so well with the optics of his infamous "Red Speech" in Philadelphia .

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I also wish to add that there were signs on the horizon, such as in the Neo-Pagan movement with authors such as Miriam Simos, a.k.a., "Starhawk." Today, as a practitioner of Wicca, it is a Debbie Downer to find just about every group gone from "Wise" to "Woke".

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It is a sad sick movement and they are winning. It makes me feel sick.

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Great article. I had no idea! It's hard to have a life and keep up with all the "reclaiming" going on.

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Ugh, I heard Violet's voice in my head when I read the transcript. Thanks for that.

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Thank you, Karlyn, for helping me understand my 'queer' son-in-law. He's always been a Bernie fan, so it makes sense. So he's not gay, but he says he's 'asexual' so I guess I'm still not getting any grandchildren.

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So there is no winning because say what’s queer now becomes the new normal what will the next level queer be? I wonder how many in the LGBTQ+ community really understand that this is what’s happening. Surely they all can’t be ok with it?

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