Very good point. Profit is what happens when you create more value than you spend, and there's absolutely nothing wrong about that. A for-profit enterprise is subject to the discipline of the free market, another beneficial attribute. Also, profitable activity is sustainable activity and it can often be scaled to have greater and greater influence. Congratulations, Karlyn on reaching the Substack Bestseller milestone. I hope you earn a lot of profit because that's an indicator of the positive influence you are working to offer.

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Thank you Ralph!

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I will no longer support PV if James OKeefe no longer plays a big role in the company. Your insight has given me hope that he has options to start an actual business. I’d very much support a venture like that!

Thanks for ALL you do - we call you the energizer bunny - where do you get all that energy you put into your role?! Your amazing 😘

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James will be just fine. He has a ton of support. And thank you for the compliment!

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Thanks. This explains it.

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