Karlyn, I just watched my first Socialist Saturday. My head is spinning. Finally, I get it: it is all connected. Every.Little.Thing. I will try to get a few friends to watch it, but I know how hard the resistance will be. If they admit you're right, they have to do something about it, and most just won't. The cowardice is strong.

After I watched the video, I stepped out onto my porch. There is a mama cardinal nesting there, and the eggs hatched yesterday. Today the male and female are taking turns bringing food to their babies. Then it hit me~ THEIR babies. They aren't feeding other birds' chicks, only their own. As a family, Mama bears son't feed other mama bears' cubs, only their own. Pick an animal. Those that care for their babies care for THEIR babies. These lunatics on the Left just can't see how hard they are trying to defy nature, and how badly they will fail. Socialism is all about denying human nature. That's why it never succeeds. But oh, the damage they will do trying will take generations to overcome.

I read a dozen sub stacks, but yours is the first I am paying for. What you are doing is so crucial, I will gladly help pay your way to the next Insanity Conference. I know you are not fond of us religious folks, but I can't help myself. God bless you.

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I have no problem with religious people, only when they try to force their religion on others. If you're not one of the ones that does that, you are more than welcome and I appreciate your note and your support.

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