Actively Unwoke
Actively Unwoke: Fighting back against woke insanity in your life
Ep 58: James Lindsay is letting communists win, queer theory in the real world, and more

Ep 58: James Lindsay is letting communists win, queer theory in the real world, and more

The first live edition of the podcast, recorded as a Space on X (Twitter) featuring audience discussion and questions

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We’re trying a new experiment with my podcasts moving forward, where I record them as a Space on X / Twitter (and also broadcast them on my YouTube channel) to invite people to come and discuss ideas with me.

Today’s discussion starts off as a critique of James Lindsay and his work, where I assert that he is allowing the real communists to win by lying to people about the Democratic party being communist.

It then morphs into a robust discussion of queer theory and the differences between the way activists show up in the real world versus what’s published in academia.

Please feel free to leave a comment on my Substack, giving me feedback on this new format.

Find the YouTube recording of the Space here:

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Actively Unwoke
Actively Unwoke: Fighting back against woke insanity in your life
The woke have taken over every major institution in this country - the schools, the universities, corporate America, the media, and the government. It's time to fight back. Actively Unwoke is a podcast by the original unwoke rabble-rouser Karlyn Borysenko to teach you what to do in your community.