I just thought of a word you don't have on here yet. Is it possible to add "Justice" at some point? I guess that also implies "Reproductive Justice" too. This is a really wonderful list so far! Thank you for these helpful go-to definitions so we can share them to educate others!

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Great "work", as always, Comrade. One teensy point this old, crotchety broad would like to make. In the social reproduction theory, since Harris is touring the country lecturing on reproductive rights, and your discussion about abortion doulas, might I suggest a mention in your definitions?

My plan is to share this as far and widely as possible. There's a guy on Twitter @lanative that posts in a full Plains Indian feathered headdress. He has a substantial following, and, instead of brandishing his AR (Armalite Rifles, NOT "assault rifles"), he can educate many. My personal reach is limited.

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Yes I will add those Teri, thank you!

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These are very good definitions. Thank you.

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This is incredible, Karlyn. When do you sleep?

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I don't.

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Aaaaannnd bookmarking!

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Great suggestions already. How about trans as transitioning versus trans as transforming gender and trans as transcending norms

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Thank you! This moved me forward in my own project several steps.

I've been trying to make ideas compact enough to explain in a couple of sentences for a while, and I've had a little success in the past year. What you gave me with this list is something like "Communism is theft." Or more comically, "Communism is the lazy man's path to productivity."

About 4 years ago I realized I didn't understand Nihilism, in particular it's integration into post-modernism. It took me months to wrap my head around it. I would love to hear your thoughts on this, as I'm betting it's in the background on your entire project. The reason it took so long for me to grasp it is that no sincere person can be a nihilist. And no sincere person can even grasp it, it's like a mental greased pig.

The reason I bring up nihilism is it's the centerpiece of post-modernism. My definition of post-modernism is "making words meaningless so that I am never wrong". Meaningless = nihilism.

The Right (for hundreds of years now) has been drenched in the same stupid thinking that stinks up the Left, namely, rationalism. This subject is a little too big for a comments post, so I'll try to get to the point: We fight on their turf and lose. Forever.

Our turf is empirical: Traditional beliefs got us all here alive. And no other.

A "left" is needed to protect the weak from being crushed.

The current "left" serves no such purpose.

The current "left" is drunk with circular logic and mindless nihilistic, self-serving "morality" of power games.

My great and wonderful contribution to this discussion: "Never argue with stupid. No one can tell who is who. Just call them for what they are. Stupid."

Our beliefs got us here alive.

Your beliefs are a death cult.

I don't care that much about the poor, but I suppose we should develop the vocabulary to discuss the problem of low character and low intelligence. THAT is the "poor".

This is what the communists are basing their morality on. Within a few seconds we should all be armed to dismember any Communist, because their beliefs are intensely stupid.

Again, thank you for this work. I'll be referring to it.

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"Defining the most important language of the left in pain English"

Not the same as American English. 😉

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Perfect! I don't have to worrier if I say it wrong... :)

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